Monday, November 08, 2004

Clearing up any confusion....

Alright, it seems that a few people (ok, when I say "few", I really mean "several") have gotten the impression that I created this blog to talk only about politics. While I can do this for hours (happily, most of the time), it is not my only purpose in this space. Yes, you'll see occasional thoughts about our government but that doesn't mean that it's ALL you'll see.

To my conservative friends: I may be about as liberal as they come, but I still love you. I promise. I don't, however, like our President. I never have and never will. That is my opinion so be prepared to see it. Often.

To my liberal friends: Yes, I know, you're as po'd as I am about the "errors" in the voting machines and the fact that G. W. somehow made it into the Whitehouse for a second term. Rest assured, it'll be over in 4 years, 2 months, and a little over a week (who's counting?).

I have tons of other crap that I want to post but I just don't have time to tonight. I am a pre-med student, afterall. This means that I won't be able to sleep for the next 12 years or so. I'm going to be buried in work.

I'm off to stick my nose back into my statistics book. Have a great night everyone! There's more exciting stuff to come.

~Ms. V


Ms. V said...

Ahhhh, my darling sister. You are, as always, brilliant. You're also not the first one to express surprise at the fact that I have conservative friends. Evidently, I have them but didn't know it. Well, really it's only a few people I know and they're mostly aquaintances. I do agree that some of the ultra-conservatives are stuck in the 1950's. On the other hand, I know some tried-and-true Republicans who are fantastic and even agree that our current President is a tyrrant. Good ole' George W. has given the Republican party a bad name. Even to the point where some of the people who belong to it have abandoned him and his ideals. I find it shocking that people still voted for him when members of his own party don't like him anymore. Everyone is entitled to their opinion though. They must have thought he did some good or else they wouldn't have cast their ballot his way. Then again, maybe fewer people voted for him than we think. Afterall, the "problems" people had with the machines and the errors in the counting that have been uncovered were all in his favor. I guess that's what happens when you let one of the largest G. W. Bush supporters supply the voting machines to the swing states. Rigged machines? Gee, couldn't have seen that one coming....

Perplexio said...

Being a Republican who DIDN'T vote for Bush, I do know several who did-- many of which didn't really like him.

For some it wasn't a matter of voting for Bush, but it was more that they were voting AGAINST Kerry. It's like the old adage goes, "Better the devil you know than the devil you don't." There are some people that felt this strongly enough that despite their misgivings about Bush they'd rather put up with him for 4 years than deal with 4 years of the unknown with Kerry.

I mean even tried and true Democrats Ed Koch, Zel Miller, and actor Ron Silver crossed party lines to vote for Bush-- not because they necessarily agreed with or liked him but because they felt that strongly against Kerry. Koch even said he was only supporting Bush so Hillary Clinton could run in 2008 instead of having to wait until 2012.

I'm not saying I necessarily agree with either of those trains of logic behind voting for Bush, I'm just trying to shed some light on the psyche of "disgruntled Bush voters."

Perplexio said...

Since I know you don't like Bush, check this out...