Thursday, April 28, 2005


My sister tagged me. This is how it goes: If I tag you, you choose five occupations from the list just below, and finish the sentence in your blog.

The questions:If I could be a scientist. If I could be a farmer. If I could be a musician. If I could be a doctor. If I could be a painter. If I could be a gardener. If I could be a missionary. If I could be a chef. If I could be an architect. If I could be a linguist. If I could be a psychologist. If I could be a librarian. If I could be an athlete. If I could be a lawyer. If I could be an inn-keeper. If I could be a professor. If I could be a writer. If I could be a llama-rider. If I could be a bonnie pirate. If I could be an astronaut. If I could be a world famous blogger. If I could be a justice on any one court in the world. If I could be married to any current famous political figure.

Here are mine:

If I could be a scientist... Well, I already am, so, um, I guess I'd be a scientist who's already been given lots and lots of grants so I can do all of the research that I want to do (also, I'd find someone else to write the grant letters and research proposals for me).

If I could be a doctor... I'd be a neurologist, because nerves are wicked cool. ;) (said in a true yankee accent)

If I could be an athlete... I'd be a world-championship swimmer with really great muscular definition.

If I could be a musician... I'd a combo flute/piano player like I am now, but I'd actually get paid to do it. That would be really nice.

If I could be a professor... I'd *finally* be able to corrupt the next generation on a larger scale than what I do now. Muahahahaha!!!

Perplexio, now it's your turn.

Ms. V

1 comment:

Perplexio said...

Duly noted and posted to my blog.