I'd like to apologize to all of my adoring fans. I've been busy preparing for the semester, cleaning the house, painting the house, working, and of course, reading Harry Potter. :)
Sooo.... I just thought I'd post something for y'all to read.
I'm also in a really good mood because champagne grapes are finally in-season and they're fabulous. You can only buy them for about a week out of the year up here.
Ms. V
Howdy stranger! It's good to see you posting again. :-)
nice to read you again :),,,,bri
are the grapes somewhat like Kramers peaches?
At the local supermarket they have "Grapples" (pronounced Grape-ples). Grapes the size of apples.
I'm tempted to try them but at $5 for 4 of them, well that's a bit pricey!
Yes, they are exactly like Kramer's Macinaw peaches. :)
And Perp: Holy cow! Grapes the size of apples? I'd definitely try them.
Just got Kevin's wedding gift yesterday. I've been detailing the whole saga over on myspace.com (btw your cousin Greg also has an account on there).
He made us a set of end tables.
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