Thursday, November 25, 2004

It's been awhile, but...

Alright, I know it's been awhile, but it's only because I've been bogged down with school work. It sucks, but I'm an A+ student because of it. There are tons of things I wanted to post between my last message and this one, but I just don't have the time to do them all.

Instead, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I'm going to list the things I'm thankful for. I'm not exactly sure how it was started though. I know what the history books say, but the winners write the history and we were the "winners." Despite that fact, I still love it (even without the turkey!).

I'm thankful for:
- my family and friends (doesn't everyone have to list this one?)

- my husband and cats (they're included in my family but deserve extra thanks so I'll list them separately)

- my good grades. They're a result of my hard work (a lot of it) and will help me get into medical school, which will help me be a good Dr. This will also help me get my PhD after I get my MD so when I'm done dealing with patients and doing clinical work, I can retire and work on research.

- my musical talent. Even though I don't have time to play any of my instruments anymore, I still take pride in knowing that I can if I want to.

- John Ashcroft's resignation. It's about time, damn it! I'm not sure if Gonzales will be any better, but he seems slightly less radical than Ashcroft. Besides, Ashcroft was so awful that it can't get any worse, can it?

- G. W. Bush has only 4 more years left in office (Well, really it's 4 years and 2 months)

- Civil Unions in Vermont. I know it's not marriage and I believe that homosexual couples SHOULD be allowed to marry, but with the recent outlawing of gay marriage in 11 states and the fact that good ole' G.W. wants to put through a Constitutional amendment against it, a Civil Union is better than nothing (then again, if it has the same result as a marriage, why not just call it a marriage????)

- our blockbuster unlimited rental card. It's fabulous.

- my car. It's 8 years old and still running strong. Best yet, I don't have any car payments. Yippee!

I think that's it. What are you thankful for?

Ms. V


Perplexio said...

- Civil Unions in Vermont. I know it's not marriage and I believe that homosexual couples SHOULD be allowed to marry, but with the recent outlawing of gay marriage in 11 states and the fact that good ole' G.W. wants to put through a Constitutional amendment against it, a Civil Union is better than nothing (then again, if it has the same result as a marriage, why not just call it a marriage????)I don't think Bush will be successful. There are enough pro-Gay Rights Republicans to prevent this from ever going through. Even many Republicans who don't agree with gay marriage don't believe it's within the Federal Government's jurisdiction to interfere with the institution of marriage. Also I hope this is one issue where Dick Cheney can be a "cooler head" and prevent Bush from pursuing this issue too fervently.

One can hope he'll get so caught up with reforming social security and simplifying the tax code that he'll forget about the gay marriage issue entirely.

Ms. V said...

Ahhh, yes. You brought up a very good point about the fact that it probably won't be put through. I do agree that it's unlikely, but it's still nasty that it's a possibility.

As all marriage laws stand now, they are up to the states. People complain that if a homosexual couple can get married in Massachusettes, or have a Civil Union in VT, it won't be valid elsewhere. While I agree that it's a pain in the rear end, this is no different than any other marriage law. For example, if the New York marriage law states that both members of a couple need to be 18 to marry, but Alabama marriage law states that they only need to be 12, a set of 12 year olds who marry in Alabama will not be considered married if they move to New York and will not be eligible for any state marriage benefits. I guess what I'm saying is that as much as having a gay marriage recognized in one state and not another sucks, it's still no different than any other marriage. Then again, so many laws in so many states are so similar that you'd be hard pressed to find a state that won't honor another's marriage certificate.

*Disclaimer: I have no idea if those are real marriage laws for New York and Alabama. I made them up just for the sake of having an example.

Phew! Now that THAT'S out of the way, post on, bro! I always love your thoughts/commentary. I have a feeling that if we lived even remotely close to each other we'd bore our spouses to tears going back and forth with all of our political thoughts (even though we pretty much agree on everything). Big T isn't into this stuff so it's great to have someone to chat with about it.
